miguel and big queen

miguel and big queen
anba dlo parade

Friday, June 4, 2010

the oil spill... something I'm livid about.

Just when we got things going, something takes it away, and it reeks of so many rotten things, mainly corporate oil, and the possibility of seeing my state, once again, in the middle of BULLSHIT. No response, No hit the ground running to fix it, No fixing it for months, and OIL whores still making a buck off of it. A disaster is worth MILLIONS of dollars for the carpetbagger, and this one? even collected on his insurance policy, taken out days after he realized they were in trouble. Many folks after katrina, NEVER saw a dime of insurance money.

Then they spend all kinds of money on a PR firm, and not us. Sounds just like the Army Corps of Engineers! Then Halliburton steps in like they're the good guy, when in fact, they are partly to blame as well. BP Spending money on a tourism commercial for Florida, just in time to catch the Spill.

A president who doesn't respond quick enough, A governor who stands and screams, while he pushes for offshore drilling to resume, the rajin cajun downplaying dead animals and the "suffering" we don't need to care about, yet he's mad as hell his heritage is in danger, Tony Hayward making callous remarks about how he'd like to get his life back, and On and on and on....


The only person I trust so far? Is Phillip Cousteau, and his drop through the oil to see the damage... Damage we've been lied about.

What... are ya tryin to kill us? It sure seems like it. Drew Brees says god sent it to us, cause we're so resilient... he would plug the hole with his fist if he could. Thats all interesting and positive, but it doesn't solve the problem. AGAIN, we are the red headed step child of the media, getting bad publicity, like no one but the gulf can. Thank you corporate media for painting it "Oil Spill Light". I hope each of your grandchildren live to see the day of your out right disregard for the gulf states, and mother nature weve caused... that is.... if we're still here.

1 comment:

  1. i completely agree with you.

    and.. Phillip Cousteau, is the only one i trust as well.


be nice or leave