miguel and big queen

miguel and big queen
anba dlo parade

Thursday, June 17, 2010

sundays at the hi ho lounge...

well, treme is coming to an end, and I can say that its been a fun run. I've been raffling off a painting each week, which... has kept me on my toes. This sunday will be the last episode for the summer, and should be the final episode with more of my mardiart! Its been a hoot seeing my stuff in the background of episodes... vaughns, and the cocaine scene in the last two episodes...

I'd love to bring my copies of treme to my parents, but SOMEHOW don't think they'll find the humour in all of it. LOL

Anyhow, I've already found another louisiana HBO series, to take its place, although its not entirely filmed here in nola. That series would be True Blood. I will be showing episode number two this weekend.... AFTER treme.

Last week's episode ended with a bummer, and then I ran through five pieces of art raffled, and right into true blood... No One sat round and cried, although I think this week? will be some sadness in the house.

AGAIN, I will have the mardigras Indians in the house, and again, raffle.

Its been tons of fun, and keeping with the tradtion of the raffle? I will continue this new challenge for the summer, by continuing to raffle off NEW works, in line with true blood... afterall, a skellie with fangs? not so much of a stretch...

I'd like to thank all who have been coming out each week. regulars on the tv series, miss carrie... (unknown stripper number two), jeffrey holmes, jaybird, wildman john, and a bevy of friends who I keep seeing in the background scenes, and artists alike! WOW, we've had a fun year getting ourselves out there.! I'm curious what the rest of america thinks...

SEE YOU THIS SUNDAY... and don't forget... I'm collecting pet food for the residents of the gulf coast who are having a hard time feeding themselves, and their pets... every sunday I'll be taking donations...

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