I get a phone call from home... (portland, oregon) Is that Oil spill hitting land yet? YOUR KIDDIN ME, I answer...
not kidding. Yup, again, the media picks and chooses who they support or don't. big Brother has arrived, in case you haven't realized it yet. There are millions of people out there so brain washed, that they might not even KNOW, we have a spill... and just in case you didn't know this? there's another one they're hiding in ALASKA. all while the country worries about the "epidemic" in arizona, the end of the season of "Lost", and of course "Dancing with the Stars".
I'm beginning to think I might see the beginning of the end of the world. My mother certainly thinks so. Our conversation was emotional, and she didn't ask me when I was leaving, she just point blank said she thinks they're trying to OIL US AWAY.
I remember my Oregon basics, a state so green, and so very clean, and the descent from there to other states that didn't recycle, and then to Louisiana, where you can put the garbage can under their feet, and they still throw it on the ground... all the while joking that we're sinking and its landfill. WELL, you might get your wish, DRILL SPILL KILL Toxic LANDFILL....
welcome to the chernobyl of the gulf states. I don't think I'm exxagerating either, I think the amount of dispersant that mr BP aka BIG PRICK is forcing into our eco system? will cause cancers for generations. AND mr big prick is profiting from it as well. its his product, and its illegal in his country. How bout we fill a face mask with it, and force him to breath it? THATS how mad I am.
When I see those birds? When I see the sea turtles, dolphins, redfish, shrimp and crabs all suffocating? I just want to see Louisiana CUT OFF the OIL TEET to not only big prick, but to the entire country... WHERE ARE THOSE OIL REVENUES? WE should be making MONEY off this, NOT the other way around, but then again, the carpetbagger seems to be one in the same as big brother, corporate america, and the OIL WHORES.
Seize the assets NOW of BP AND HALLIBURTON... Go out and inspect these rigs.... Fine them if they aren't safe! ELEVEN people DIED!
end offshore drilling, until you can change the laws, regulate it, fix it, and end privatized profits... SEND THE OIL INDUSTRY GASHOLES a message.
the mississippi delta cannot take this... we have poisened our land, our water, and now possibly the eco system of the keys, and beyond. The time is NOW... to think GREEN for a better future, and opportunity to create a whole new industry, in this time of depression.
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