I've gone on a mission. so far, the avenue pub, the hi ho lounge, and the corner muse all have oil rig paintings... the one at the avenue pub? will be part of their benefit in august for shrimpers and fishermens families... the one at the hi ho? will be for sale on my new website, coming on line here within a week or so. The one at corner muse? is for viewing pleasure, if you'd like to purchase it? show me a donation to the gulfrestoration network for $100, and its yours. The Verti Marte benefit for employees, will be this week, go to antoines annex 513 royal, to purchase raffle tickets, or make a bid on it.
up and coming viewings, NOLA brewing will be receiving one, st roch tavern, schiro's, and of course, THE SKULL CLUB already has one.
If you'd like to display one of these, please leave me a message, and we'll work it out. As long as the money collected goes to my charities of choice... tri state bird rescue, or gulf restoration network. thanks... scroll down to see one of them. OIL RIG / FLAG of louisiana
deadicated to day of the dead, parades, art, womens krewes, fundraising, and friends. come hell or high water, I'm a nola daughter
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
imagine that
WOW, what a day of reading blogs, and information. From the callousness of that jerk from texas saying that President Obama is sticking it to the wrong folks, and apologizing to BP, to Michelle Bachman standing behind him. What is up with people who think like this? I know, I know, they're funded by big oil. But really? To be so clouded by greed, that you can't see the sky through the clouds?
Who works these rigs? "The Little People". Without them, do you think you'd get a piece of the pie? By not being responsible, ya think its okay to "enslave" people for your greed? To leave things a mess? I mean, as a bartender, I leave things the way I'd like to find them when I come in. Is that a philosophy of bar etiquette? and not in daily life? Really, anyone who thinks like this? Has a BIG OILY TEET they're sucking on. They suck, so does BP.
Then there's the idea that so much oil is being taken from the ground beneath, that it will all collapse and cause a HUGE tsunami, taking out the entire state of florida, and parts of the gulf, and large parts of the world. really? All this done on purpose because someone thinks the footprint of humans needs to shrink? WOW... thats rich.
How bout the terrorists posting that they'll send bombs to set the sea aflame? Aren't we already lighting those fires? How bout those who believe that this is the end of the world? I mean really!
WOW all that from one little oil spill that could.
I seem to be in places where things happen. They have always come out positive, no matter what the odds were. I think the state of Louisiana is screwed on so many levels, mostly economically, then environmentally... I dread finding out that we won't see CASH MONEY for all the wrongs by a system of OIL thieves... leaving us vulnerable, leaving us polluted, leaving us EVEN poorer than before.
I pray for the revenues, and hope some lawyer sues for back revenues... I pray that BP and Halliburton and all those who think they're search for oil, was worth more than the living culture of Louisiana, all find an oily end to their greed... as in a new green energy for everyone to participate in...
Is it the end of the world? I thought there would be tons of suffering worldwide. I watch tv, seems like thats goin on. I wonder whats next. tornadoes, flooding in the midwest, hurricanes, tsunami's, and global financial crisis. War, famine, pestilence... wow... all kinds of good things on the horizon.
Personally? I think we're about to see a new beginning... and an end. Those who see a new beginning, know what I'm talking about. Those who believe in this? aren't sitting round with a tea bag on our hat, we're sipping tea, and talking about solutions. We also RANT, but in the end, its all for the greater good of mankind. This answer that the generation behind will save us? doesn't work for me. What works for me, is being proactive, and trying to make change, or do something good for people.
take heed. the world is changing. sometimes we see things getting worse before better. so in these times of change... remember that.
Who works these rigs? "The Little People". Without them, do you think you'd get a piece of the pie? By not being responsible, ya think its okay to "enslave" people for your greed? To leave things a mess? I mean, as a bartender, I leave things the way I'd like to find them when I come in. Is that a philosophy of bar etiquette? and not in daily life? Really, anyone who thinks like this? Has a BIG OILY TEET they're sucking on. They suck, so does BP.
Then there's the idea that so much oil is being taken from the ground beneath, that it will all collapse and cause a HUGE tsunami, taking out the entire state of florida, and parts of the gulf, and large parts of the world. really? All this done on purpose because someone thinks the footprint of humans needs to shrink? WOW... thats rich.
How bout the terrorists posting that they'll send bombs to set the sea aflame? Aren't we already lighting those fires? How bout those who believe that this is the end of the world? I mean really!
WOW all that from one little oil spill that could.
I seem to be in places where things happen. They have always come out positive, no matter what the odds were. I think the state of Louisiana is screwed on so many levels, mostly economically, then environmentally... I dread finding out that we won't see CASH MONEY for all the wrongs by a system of OIL thieves... leaving us vulnerable, leaving us polluted, leaving us EVEN poorer than before.
I pray for the revenues, and hope some lawyer sues for back revenues... I pray that BP and Halliburton and all those who think they're search for oil, was worth more than the living culture of Louisiana, all find an oily end to their greed... as in a new green energy for everyone to participate in...
Is it the end of the world? I thought there would be tons of suffering worldwide. I watch tv, seems like thats goin on. I wonder whats next. tornadoes, flooding in the midwest, hurricanes, tsunami's, and global financial crisis. War, famine, pestilence... wow... all kinds of good things on the horizon.
Personally? I think we're about to see a new beginning... and an end. Those who see a new beginning, know what I'm talking about. Those who believe in this? aren't sitting round with a tea bag on our hat, we're sipping tea, and talking about solutions. We also RANT, but in the end, its all for the greater good of mankind. This answer that the generation behind will save us? doesn't work for me. What works for me, is being proactive, and trying to make change, or do something good for people.
take heed. the world is changing. sometimes we see things getting worse before better. so in these times of change... remember that.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
sundays at the hi ho lounge...
well, treme is coming to an end, and I can say that its been a fun run. I've been raffling off a painting each week, which... has kept me on my toes. This sunday will be the last episode for the summer, and should be the final episode with more of my mardiart! Its been a hoot seeing my stuff in the background of episodes... vaughns, and the cocaine scene in the last two episodes...
I'd love to bring my copies of treme to my parents, but SOMEHOW don't think they'll find the humour in all of it. LOL
Anyhow, I've already found another louisiana HBO series, to take its place, although its not entirely filmed here in nola. That series would be True Blood. I will be showing episode number two this weekend.... AFTER treme.
Last week's episode ended with a bummer, and then I ran through five pieces of art raffled, and right into true blood... No One sat round and cried, although I think this week? will be some sadness in the house.
AGAIN, I will have the mardigras Indians in the house, and again, raffle.
Its been tons of fun, and keeping with the tradtion of the raffle? I will continue this new challenge for the summer, by continuing to raffle off NEW works, in line with true blood... afterall, a skellie with fangs? not so much of a stretch...
I'd like to thank all who have been coming out each week. regulars on the tv series, miss carrie... (unknown stripper number two), jeffrey holmes, jaybird, wildman john, and a bevy of friends who I keep seeing in the background scenes, and artists alike! WOW, we've had a fun year getting ourselves out there.! I'm curious what the rest of america thinks...
SEE YOU THIS SUNDAY... and don't forget... I'm collecting pet food for the residents of the gulf coast who are having a hard time feeding themselves, and their pets... every sunday I'll be taking donations...
I'd love to bring my copies of treme to my parents, but SOMEHOW don't think they'll find the humour in all of it. LOL
Anyhow, I've already found another louisiana HBO series, to take its place, although its not entirely filmed here in nola. That series would be True Blood. I will be showing episode number two this weekend.... AFTER treme.
Last week's episode ended with a bummer, and then I ran through five pieces of art raffled, and right into true blood... No One sat round and cried, although I think this week? will be some sadness in the house.
AGAIN, I will have the mardigras Indians in the house, and again, raffle.
Its been tons of fun, and keeping with the tradtion of the raffle? I will continue this new challenge for the summer, by continuing to raffle off NEW works, in line with true blood... afterall, a skellie with fangs? not so much of a stretch...
I'd like to thank all who have been coming out each week. regulars on the tv series, miss carrie... (unknown stripper number two), jeffrey holmes, jaybird, wildman john, and a bevy of friends who I keep seeing in the background scenes, and artists alike! WOW, we've had a fun year getting ourselves out there.! I'm curious what the rest of america thinks...
SEE YOU THIS SUNDAY... and don't forget... I'm collecting pet food for the residents of the gulf coast who are having a hard time feeding themselves, and their pets... every sunday I'll be taking donations...
good news.... new website coming soon!
it will be www.mardiclaw.net.
my previous website was being run by unscrupulous folks, who misused my "checking" account for their "own" paypal account. This made Mardiclaw very angry. I scuttled the boat, and ended the business and friendship part of this venture. Occasionally, I spew up vile commentary regarding the callousness and carpetbaggery of these two individuals... but today... with lawyer in hand? will be soon outing them, unless they remove my name, and quit using my photo's to make money in the country they live in. If you see mardiclaw's picture on other websites? particularly ones where I'm skeleton? then you shouldn't pay any cash amount to these folks unless you speak with me.
In the meantime... good news is now you'll be able to buy prints from me. I will have pages with works for sale, and where to buy them, and prints... I'll even have some oil spill art, for sale, and will be kicking BACK cash to the gulf restoration network...
This is all exciting news... look for my new website here in the next week.
it will be www.mardiclaw.net.
my previous website was being run by unscrupulous folks, who misused my "checking" account for their "own" paypal account. This made Mardiclaw very angry. I scuttled the boat, and ended the business and friendship part of this venture. Occasionally, I spew up vile commentary regarding the callousness and carpetbaggery of these two individuals... but today... with lawyer in hand? will be soon outing them, unless they remove my name, and quit using my photo's to make money in the country they live in. If you see mardiclaw's picture on other websites? particularly ones where I'm skeleton? then you shouldn't pay any cash amount to these folks unless you speak with me.
In the meantime... good news is now you'll be able to buy prints from me. I will have pages with works for sale, and where to buy them, and prints... I'll even have some oil spill art, for sale, and will be kicking BACK cash to the gulf restoration network...
This is all exciting news... look for my new website here in the next week.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
wow, dead fish in bay jenny.
really? yeah... the bottom of the big fish food chain just started floating to the surface. In the meantime, people make videos of birds who AREN'T going to make it. So WRING their necks you sicko! they're suffering, and your giving me suffer fatigue. I'm all about saving the birds? but the ratio? is very small for those who live, after trying to save them. ONE PERCENT! those that still live, mainly die from injesting the oil, or have liver failure, or more. Its really enough to make you just want to WRING a BP exec neck!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
treme episodes, down to two more!
this last episode featured mardiclawart in the background.... of all things... the cocaine scene with sonny and the Hooker? anyhow, my flambeaux guy was right there, and with only two more episodes, Wild man John and Juan Pardo will be in the house, for the final shows. I have three more pieces in the series, John has another scene or two, st josephs, and super sunday. Both of us invite you to come early, get a seat and enjoy treme with us.
nothing like Indians in da house.
for summer, I'll be switching over to true blood, which airs tonite at seven pm. Season opener, and plenty more to come. I'm thinking of keeping the art tradition going, by continuing to raffle art, after true blood. let me know what ya think.
nothing like Indians in da house.
for summer, I'll be switching over to true blood, which airs tonite at seven pm. Season opener, and plenty more to come. I'm thinking of keeping the art tradition going, by continuing to raffle art, after true blood. let me know what ya think.
now showing at...
the skull club, although its by appointment only. go to www.skullclub.com
the hi ho lounge 2239 st claude avenue.
the avenue pub 1732 st charles avenue.
look for a new website at the end of this month. many of the bird paintings Ive been doing? will be for sale on this site, and partial proceeds will go to the bird rescue and animal fund for the gulf states.
A new show at the end of the summer at scarlett o hara's
Off White Linen in august.
thanks for taking the time to check me out on blogspot.com
the hi ho lounge 2239 st claude avenue.
the avenue pub 1732 st charles avenue.
look for a new website at the end of this month. many of the bird paintings Ive been doing? will be for sale on this site, and partial proceeds will go to the bird rescue and animal fund for the gulf states.
A new show at the end of the summer at scarlett o hara's
Off White Linen in august.
thanks for taking the time to check me out on blogspot.com
summertime, and the livings FAR from easy
When Jazz Fest arrived right round earth day, we all were on a big high... Afterall, it seemed like it was gonna be a good year. We had rebounded, and we're coming into that five year window, that WE survived. As a city, as friends, as a community.
Then, that fateful blowout in the gulf, and the amount of BS, from BP, MSM, and the fed's. The lies, upon lies, upon lies, making it seem like Katrina all over again... only worse. Watching the news spin it, watching BP buy up huge lots for ads claiming they're doing all they can, and now FEMA, that four letter word, coming into play.
and just when it was safe to enjoy our summer.
I am horrified, discusted, and angry. I'm trying my best to put it on canvas, and I have a feeling, the country will be seeing OIL SPILL fatique, much like katrina, before summers end. Only that OIL? is WAY more than they ever said.
watching rachel maddow the other night, was one of the few reports I've seen that was accurate. Anderson Cooper stands in the quarter with James Carville, speculating... But Rachel? she gets in a boat, and takes you there.
John Voight decides to blast the president... Yeah, we live in the age of the blame game. Its all Obama's fault, cause thats how the republicans spin things, when they don't want you to see the real truth. A big Halliburton sign should be hung right there, where it says to blame Obama. This has more to do with Bush, and Cheney, than it does Obama. Those two made sure regulations were removed, and those two sold this country to corporations, and to big Oil, making us all slaves to the big oily man.
Sorry, but there will never be a day in my life that I forgive Dubya, and Darth Cheney. After eight years of wars we went into, so they could profit, to watching those two turn disaster upon disaster into more profits for them, I began to find the america I grew up in? A place of lies, greed and deceptions. Still is, I'm still standing here at ground zero, watching it unfold again.
However, I believe in being proactive, so I paint my anger, I doth protest too much, and I make damn sure that I collect dog food, for families who now can't afford to keep their pets... put together a benefit, to save the birds, and will continue to keep chipping away at the false american dream, for those that are glued to the corporate idiot box, brainwashed, and Oiled, by an american nightmare.
Then, that fateful blowout in the gulf, and the amount of BS, from BP, MSM, and the fed's. The lies, upon lies, upon lies, making it seem like Katrina all over again... only worse. Watching the news spin it, watching BP buy up huge lots for ads claiming they're doing all they can, and now FEMA, that four letter word, coming into play.
and just when it was safe to enjoy our summer.
I am horrified, discusted, and angry. I'm trying my best to put it on canvas, and I have a feeling, the country will be seeing OIL SPILL fatique, much like katrina, before summers end. Only that OIL? is WAY more than they ever said.
watching rachel maddow the other night, was one of the few reports I've seen that was accurate. Anderson Cooper stands in the quarter with James Carville, speculating... But Rachel? she gets in a boat, and takes you there.
John Voight decides to blast the president... Yeah, we live in the age of the blame game. Its all Obama's fault, cause thats how the republicans spin things, when they don't want you to see the real truth. A big Halliburton sign should be hung right there, where it says to blame Obama. This has more to do with Bush, and Cheney, than it does Obama. Those two made sure regulations were removed, and those two sold this country to corporations, and to big Oil, making us all slaves to the big oily man.
Sorry, but there will never be a day in my life that I forgive Dubya, and Darth Cheney. After eight years of wars we went into, so they could profit, to watching those two turn disaster upon disaster into more profits for them, I began to find the america I grew up in? A place of lies, greed and deceptions. Still is, I'm still standing here at ground zero, watching it unfold again.
However, I believe in being proactive, so I paint my anger, I doth protest too much, and I make damn sure that I collect dog food, for families who now can't afford to keep their pets... put together a benefit, to save the birds, and will continue to keep chipping away at the false american dream, for those that are glued to the corporate idiot box, brainwashed, and Oiled, by an american nightmare.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
from mayor mitch landrieu.
How many times are you going to ask the people of Louisiana to be the
tip of the spear? How many times are you going to send them into battle
without the right armor or without the right equipment and expect them
to continue to show up?… The deal ought to be: If you want to drill,
protect us. If you don’t want to drill, stop driving.
Thank you Mitch Landrieu. Bout time someone addressed a very serious issue... the one where LOUISIANA doesn't get revenue from the Oil extracted from our state.
tip of the spear? How many times are you going to send them into battle
without the right armor or without the right equipment and expect them
to continue to show up?… The deal ought to be: If you want to drill,
protect us. If you don’t want to drill, stop driving.
Thank you Mitch Landrieu. Bout time someone addressed a very serious issue... the one where LOUISIANA doesn't get revenue from the Oil extracted from our state.
Friday, June 4, 2010
OIL SHEEN LITE and other misuses of the modern media.
I get a phone call from home... (portland, oregon) Is that Oil spill hitting land yet? YOUR KIDDIN ME, I answer...
not kidding. Yup, again, the media picks and chooses who they support or don't. big Brother has arrived, in case you haven't realized it yet. There are millions of people out there so brain washed, that they might not even KNOW, we have a spill... and just in case you didn't know this? there's another one they're hiding in ALASKA. all while the country worries about the "epidemic" in arizona, the end of the season of "Lost", and of course "Dancing with the Stars".
I'm beginning to think I might see the beginning of the end of the world. My mother certainly thinks so. Our conversation was emotional, and she didn't ask me when I was leaving, she just point blank said she thinks they're trying to OIL US AWAY.
I remember my Oregon basics, a state so green, and so very clean, and the descent from there to other states that didn't recycle, and then to Louisiana, where you can put the garbage can under their feet, and they still throw it on the ground... all the while joking that we're sinking and its landfill. WELL, you might get your wish, DRILL SPILL KILL Toxic LANDFILL....
welcome to the chernobyl of the gulf states. I don't think I'm exxagerating either, I think the amount of dispersant that mr BP aka BIG PRICK is forcing into our eco system? will cause cancers for generations. AND mr big prick is profiting from it as well. its his product, and its illegal in his country. How bout we fill a face mask with it, and force him to breath it? THATS how mad I am.
When I see those birds? When I see the sea turtles, dolphins, redfish, shrimp and crabs all suffocating? I just want to see Louisiana CUT OFF the OIL TEET to not only big prick, but to the entire country... WHERE ARE THOSE OIL REVENUES? WE should be making MONEY off this, NOT the other way around, but then again, the carpetbagger seems to be one in the same as big brother, corporate america, and the OIL WHORES.
Seize the assets NOW of BP AND HALLIBURTON... Go out and inspect these rigs.... Fine them if they aren't safe! ELEVEN people DIED!
end offshore drilling, until you can change the laws, regulate it, fix it, and end privatized profits... SEND THE OIL INDUSTRY GASHOLES a message.
the mississippi delta cannot take this... we have poisened our land, our water, and now possibly the eco system of the keys, and beyond. The time is NOW... to think GREEN for a better future, and opportunity to create a whole new industry, in this time of depression.
not kidding. Yup, again, the media picks and chooses who they support or don't. big Brother has arrived, in case you haven't realized it yet. There are millions of people out there so brain washed, that they might not even KNOW, we have a spill... and just in case you didn't know this? there's another one they're hiding in ALASKA. all while the country worries about the "epidemic" in arizona, the end of the season of "Lost", and of course "Dancing with the Stars".
I'm beginning to think I might see the beginning of the end of the world. My mother certainly thinks so. Our conversation was emotional, and she didn't ask me when I was leaving, she just point blank said she thinks they're trying to OIL US AWAY.
I remember my Oregon basics, a state so green, and so very clean, and the descent from there to other states that didn't recycle, and then to Louisiana, where you can put the garbage can under their feet, and they still throw it on the ground... all the while joking that we're sinking and its landfill. WELL, you might get your wish, DRILL SPILL KILL Toxic LANDFILL....
welcome to the chernobyl of the gulf states. I don't think I'm exxagerating either, I think the amount of dispersant that mr BP aka BIG PRICK is forcing into our eco system? will cause cancers for generations. AND mr big prick is profiting from it as well. its his product, and its illegal in his country. How bout we fill a face mask with it, and force him to breath it? THATS how mad I am.
When I see those birds? When I see the sea turtles, dolphins, redfish, shrimp and crabs all suffocating? I just want to see Louisiana CUT OFF the OIL TEET to not only big prick, but to the entire country... WHERE ARE THOSE OIL REVENUES? WE should be making MONEY off this, NOT the other way around, but then again, the carpetbagger seems to be one in the same as big brother, corporate america, and the OIL WHORES.
Seize the assets NOW of BP AND HALLIBURTON... Go out and inspect these rigs.... Fine them if they aren't safe! ELEVEN people DIED!
end offshore drilling, until you can change the laws, regulate it, fix it, and end privatized profits... SEND THE OIL INDUSTRY GASHOLES a message.
the mississippi delta cannot take this... we have poisened our land, our water, and now possibly the eco system of the keys, and beyond. The time is NOW... to think GREEN for a better future, and opportunity to create a whole new industry, in this time of depression.
the oil spill... something I'm livid about.
Just when we got things going, something takes it away, and it reeks of so many rotten things, mainly corporate oil, and the possibility of seeing my state, once again, in the middle of BULLSHIT. No response, No hit the ground running to fix it, No fixing it for months, and OIL whores still making a buck off of it. A disaster is worth MILLIONS of dollars for the carpetbagger, and this one? even collected on his insurance policy, taken out days after he realized they were in trouble. Many folks after katrina, NEVER saw a dime of insurance money.
Then they spend all kinds of money on a PR firm, and not us. Sounds just like the Army Corps of Engineers! Then Halliburton steps in like they're the good guy, when in fact, they are partly to blame as well. BP Spending money on a tourism commercial for Florida, just in time to catch the Spill.
A president who doesn't respond quick enough, A governor who stands and screams, while he pushes for offshore drilling to resume, the rajin cajun downplaying dead animals and the "suffering" we don't need to care about, yet he's mad as hell his heritage is in danger, Tony Hayward making callous remarks about how he'd like to get his life back, and On and on and on....
The only person I trust so far? Is Phillip Cousteau, and his drop through the oil to see the damage... Damage we've been lied about.
What... are ya tryin to kill us? It sure seems like it. Drew Brees says god sent it to us, cause we're so resilient... he would plug the hole with his fist if he could. Thats all interesting and positive, but it doesn't solve the problem. AGAIN, we are the red headed step child of the media, getting bad publicity, like no one but the gulf can. Thank you corporate media for painting it "Oil Spill Light". I hope each of your grandchildren live to see the day of your out right disregard for the gulf states, and mother nature weve caused... that is.... if we're still here.
Then they spend all kinds of money on a PR firm, and not us. Sounds just like the Army Corps of Engineers! Then Halliburton steps in like they're the good guy, when in fact, they are partly to blame as well. BP Spending money on a tourism commercial for Florida, just in time to catch the Spill.
A president who doesn't respond quick enough, A governor who stands and screams, while he pushes for offshore drilling to resume, the rajin cajun downplaying dead animals and the "suffering" we don't need to care about, yet he's mad as hell his heritage is in danger, Tony Hayward making callous remarks about how he'd like to get his life back, and On and on and on....
The only person I trust so far? Is Phillip Cousteau, and his drop through the oil to see the damage... Damage we've been lied about.
What... are ya tryin to kill us? It sure seems like it. Drew Brees says god sent it to us, cause we're so resilient... he would plug the hole with his fist if he could. Thats all interesting and positive, but it doesn't solve the problem. AGAIN, we are the red headed step child of the media, getting bad publicity, like no one but the gulf can. Thank you corporate media for painting it "Oil Spill Light". I hope each of your grandchildren live to see the day of your out right disregard for the gulf states, and mother nature weve caused... that is.... if we're still here.
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