miguel and big queen

miguel and big queen
anba dlo parade

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


so much anticipation for this HBO show.  

we went down to the country clubb and watched..  fun fun atmosphere, lots of locals, cheers, clapping and more...   Of course, I'll have to watch it again, since watching it broadcast on the side of a building, didn't really show the fine details I wanted to see, but we really had a great time... 

It was interesting to see how all was unfolding, and yes, some folks thought the first glimpse would unfold a plot, but HEY....  they have to introduce some characters first.  One giant commercial was how it came across in some ways, but I'm okay with that.   I also have to point out, most musicians weren't back here for long time, and many LOST instruments during the flooding, but I'm not goin to sweat the small stuff.    It also read like a "here's who you need to know musically" in order to get jazz and more.  

Friends commented on how great it was to sit outside, suck down a cold one, and hang with the locals, many who were here for katrina, including me, and for them, they came down in jan of that year, to spend money...   a comrade indeed, and delighted to see the smiles on folks faces, when they actually did something very nola on the show... knowing that they too, were part of the nola family....  none of this tabasco on pancakes, or gumbo parties....  just pure nola, presented to the public.

I wonder how many people watched and didn't realize, that YES, we do things like that.   YES  thats a mardi gras indian...  YES thats a secondline...    but time will tell.

I'm still excited, and can't wait til next week.   We will be showing it at the HI HO Lounge, and I'll be there to serve you...

until next week
same nola time
same nola station...
who dat.

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