when I was in second grade, Laugh In came onto television. It was an instant hit, and was the first of its kind. The Sixties brought us Star Trek, Laugh In, Lost In Space, Gilligans Island, Green Acres, Tom Jones, Jackson Five cartoons, beatle cartoons, rocky and bullwinkle, and more.
But I wanted to see Laugh In. Both my parents were in agreement that we would NOT be watching. We were "too young" to be exposed to such naughty television tidbits... I would have to wait until I was at a friends house, or grow older, before I would get my wish.
I would just cry over it, my friends got to watch it..... and so one day at the grocery store, in the aisle, I broke down, threw a second grade fit, and got my Mom to shut me up by buying me a Laugh In lunch box.
What a Hit I expected to be, at school for the rest of the year! the lunchroom was the gym, but folded up into the walls during the day, until that moment when the giant picnic tables would unfold, and there the entire school was, eating lunch. some with paper bag lunches, and others with metal ones.. Those who were lucky, got HOT lunch, and it only cost a nickle. Good Lawd! I even remember when it went to a dime.... :)
There were those who got tunafish sammichs, those who got peanut butter and jelly, and those who just looked at the sandwich with utter disdain, and wished for that HOT lunch instead. NOT ME... I was so excited the entire year to FLAUNT that lunchbox... I could pretend I knew everything about the show, even though I wasn't allowed to watch it.
Then in the eighties, I Flaunted that Lunch Box to collectors, dealers etc. I found out back then that it was worth about $250. There was never a thermos in it, but the inside illustration is pretty funny, and my official sticker from olympia beer is still pasted inside...
So this weekend, while visiting my mom, I told her that Kate Hudson eats lunch where I work. "She's really nice, and super sweet!" My mom then asked me if I had showed her the Lunch Box.
SOOOOOOoooooo, I went to work with the Lunch Box upon returning to New Orleans... GOOD GOD the girls I work with didn't know what Laugh In was....! Suddenly I felt old, and at the same time smiled because tv in general, black and white, and color tv, changed so many things in the sixties.. I mean you watched the news, and actually got news... Bing Crosby and David Bowie, John Lennon, and more... each of those things were MAJOR! So I just kinda feel sad for everything that followed that, cause, HELL, it was Laugh In....
I just snicker thinking of the farkle family.... Jo Ann Worley singing a song with laughter only.... goldie Hawn in a bikini and all painted psychodelic.... Dan Rowen, Dick Martin, Sammy Davis Jr, the stars all came out for laugh in, and got their opportunity to throw a Zzzzzinger! The last american moment of true vaudeville, crashing into the psychedelic hippie culture! Verrrrrrrry Interesting isn't it? the guy on the trike in the rain, the old lady and man on the park bench, Alan Soos, and then seeing the 25 year anniversary video? All those famous people doing things that later in life told an even larger story....
One of my favorite all time moments? Was Cher, standing in Indian Garb, with Dick and Dan... and one sez to the other.... Pocohontis? and the other sez "No Thank You...."
Anyway that day at work I didn't see Kate, but her assistant Chris came in, told us they were wrapping up... at coliseum square. I showed her the lunch box... she asked me if kate had seen it... "No" I replied... She would get a kick.
Next thing I know she's calling me from the dog park, and off I go with my Lunch Box in hand AGAIN. And here's the end result... I'm going to print this and send it to my mom. Its a great memory.
nice post. :) invite me to the dog park! i'll bring my lunch box as well. (I Dream of Jeannie)
ReplyDeletei bet you have a wonderful mom. :)
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